Exhibitor Registration

Exhibitor registration for 2024 is now closed.
Thank you for your support!

On behalf of the Michigan Academy of Sleep Medicine (MASM), it gives us great pleasure to invite you to participate in the MASM Annual Fall Conference 2024, to be held this year on Friday October 25, 2024. We are thrilled to be back with an in-person conference. 

 The conference this year will be held at the: W.E. Upjohn M.D. Campus, 300 Portage Street, Kalamazoo, MI. Our Annual Fall Conference, devoted solely to clinical sleep medicine and sleep research, brings together physicians, dentists, sleep technologists, psychologists, nurse practitioners and physician assistants in a collegial and stimulating setting. It includes both cutting-edge scientific sessions covering the latest in the field, as well as an exhibition hall for vendors to display their newest products and services. Offering CME’s and CEU’s to its participants, this conference has attracted a large attendance in the past few years.

We have an exciting line up of speakers and sessions this year and expect a hearty attendance. We look forward to your participation at this meeting. The proposed conference agenda will be available soon, and we are awaiting CME approval. Please look out for the details about the proposed agenda and housing information very soon. We welcome your participation in the following sponsorship packages. Each package includes the conference registration, breakfast, breaks, and lunch, on Friday for two representatives from your organization.

Exhibitor Level 1           One 6 ft display table (measures 72” x 30”) $ 1,000

Exhibitor Level 2           Two 6-ft display tables (each measuring 72” x 30”) $1,800

Exhibitor Level 3           Sponsor Breakfast + One 6 ft display space $2,200

Exhibitor Level 4           Sponsor Lunch + One 6 ft display table (72” x 30”) $2,800

Exhibitor Level 5           Premier Placement Sponsor includes Two 6-foot display table $10,000

We understand you may require time to obtain approval from your organization and want to have you review the above exhibitor levels.  You can communicate with us on your interest and with your level of participation.

Payment from our Exhibitors will be taken once we have our full CME approval, in the coming weeks. You may opt to pay using a credit card directly on the MASM website once the registration site is open or using a check.

If you have any questions, contact Karen Carter, by email to kcarter@wcmssm.org or by phone at (313) 874-1360.  We will communicate with you again once we have our agenda and CME approval.

We hope to see you in Kalamazoo!

Vishal Saini, MD, President MASM

Mark Goetting, MD, Conference Chair

Karen Carter, Administrative Assistant

Registration Form:

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